My journey with coffee began in 2018, in Poland. I walked into town and ordered my first cappuccino from a local cafe. Having experienced coffee only in it’s most basic form, I was not thrilled about trying it again, but here I was giving it another chance. I braced myself, took that first sip, and was hit with pure sweetness and chocolaty flavors. From that moment, the wheels started to turn. I bought my first bag of ground coffee, playing with flavors that could give me a similar taste, realizing that there was more to coffee than just pouring something from a pot into a mug. There is ritual and craft.
This is why I have partnered with Process Coffee Roasters. We believe in you starting your day the right way. With my love of the ocean and their pursuit of the best cup of coffee, we bring you Rising Tide: a single origin coffee that brings with it the story of a people and a community - inviting you into the experience. There is the calmness of the ocean, the sweetness of chocolate, the brightness of ripe fruit and the break of dawn present in every cup.
  • Clean and crisp citrus, orange and grapefruit peels, Dark Chocolate, Vanilla, Malt, Star Anise, Spices, Full Mouthfeel

  • This coffee is a collection of 53 micro-lots from Women who collaborate together via the ASPROTIMANA CoOp. Their working together helps them achieve a fair and living wage in the specialty market, rather than putting their coffee individually in a commodity level trade.

  • Timana, Huila